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LIVING ANIMATION WORKSHOP by Prosenjit Ganguly - Arena Sayajigunj


by Prosenjit Ganguly


Welcome to the Living Animation Workshop Series! In the next two days we shall dig deep into our

creative foundation and try to understand the elements that make our stories come alive on the

screen. You are invited to make the most of these sessions through active participation,

commitment and inquiry.

We are restricted by time and therefore we must make an effort to utilize the days to the fullest.

Kindly make sure to be at the venue 30 mins before the scheduled time. The days are bound to be

long, so please inform your folks at home accordingly.


Please carry the following in person.

 Drawing/ painting/ colouring materials

A4 bond paper (30 sheets)

Individual Wetware sets.

Toothbrush, water-bottle and spare set of clothes (just in case!)


General Requirements

Projection with sound

Internet connectivity

Whiteboard and coloured markers.

PC s with image editing applications like Photoshop/ Gimp



900 Hrs- 2000 Hrs (will extend based on assignment)


Follow up

Upon conclusion of the 2 day session, participants will be required to complete an assignment/s

over a period of 4 weeks. Submission of this assignment is mandatory.


I look forward to meeting you at your academic centre in good spirit and free of distractions.

Cheers and Good Luck!


Prosenjit Ganguly

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