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Arena Times - Jan - Feb - 2021 - VFX & Animation Courses Institute in vadodara

Arena Sayajigunj is ready with its First Batch For Canada

Arena Animation Sayajigunj is taking a Step Forward as We Initiate Training and Guidance for Our First Batch of International Students as they Begin their Creative Journey To Canada as a Part of the VCEA Program at Arena Animation Sayajigunj. Interaction was organized to Guide them and Share some Important Details regarding the Process and Program.

Guest Workshop on 3D Architectural Design

Special Guest Workshop was conducted on Product Modeling On 1st December, by 3D Architecture Expert Ms.Dipa Shah from Loan Oak Solutions and gave students Valuable Knowledge about How to approach Architectural Designing and Information regarding its Creation. More than 15 students had attended the Workshop Online. The students learned to quickly give their ideas into Application and Understood the Approach Required for Architectural Design Effectively.

Special Guest Lecture on Character Designing by Mr.Sandeep Joshi

Students Of Arena Animation Sayajigunj Course got a Unique Chance to Understand the Visual Aesthetics applied in the creation of Character whether it’s for Games or Movies by Pre Production Artist Mr.Sandeep Joshi as He Showed them different Ways to design and create a Character and also gave Feedback on their Work by Him and Some Valuable Tips.

Workshop: Digital Painting by Bhavesh Patel

Digital painting is an artistic Technique of painting using the Digital Medium to express. In this session student came to know how the making is a digital painting in Adobe Photoshop. They also got the knowledge how they can create professional Digital paintings and the Fundamentals behind it. The sessions were very interactive and productive for the student. And were also given a Small Task to try their hands on the technique. The Workshop was conducted for Both Online and Offline Students by Bhavesh Patel.

Matte Painting by Harshvardhan Singh

Matte paintings nowadays are the digitally created environments that we see in the current Hollywood films with each and every element very minutely detailed for that feeling of reality in it. Keeping this in mind and to make students aware of the use of matte paintings and How we can create our own by maintaining all the prerequisites and design ethics in mind, a special session was conducted by Mr.Harshvardhan Singh for students who have completed Photoshop and were enlighten about the effectiveness of the software as the main creating tool for matte paintings and how to go ahead with that. it was an informative session and students were also motivated to try and create their own Matte paintings.

50 Plus Students Grab PREMIUM Jobs during Pandemic Situation

50 plus Students received Placement in this Challenging year of 2020-21 and Under the Pandemic Conditions Amid Covid pandemic lockdown and disruption, Arena Animation Sayajigunj campuses, closed the final placement figures at 54 Students Placement till January 2021 end. The achievement comes at a time once industry saw mass layoffs and offer revokes. AY 2020-21 began with a bang with elite recruiters in the Graphic Designing, Motion Graphics, 3D Animation and 3D Designing.

Arena Animation Sayajigunj officials say the institution looks forward to an aggressive hiring season ahead, 3750+ job openings available with the team and expectation of more additions to this list.

In the previous 6 to 7 months we placed students locally as well as nationally are the students who have been selected in various companies in Vadodara.

50 plus Students received Placement in this Challenging year of 2020-21 and Under the Pandemic Conditions So we are very much proud for the students who are selected to this company and we are proud to have them in our institute and wishing them a Great career ahead.

VFX training institute

Unique Initiative Taken to Celebrate Christmas

Santa and Joker’s Day Out…A Rare Duo..Who Started their Journey from Arena Animation Sayajigunj Center by Meeting and Greeting and Giving Gifts to Everyone than Exploring the whole City on foot, in Auto rickshaw and On Scooter..A Rare Sight for People. Hats off to Our Students Shivang Jingar and Kenez Binu for their Effort and Characterization and Kamalkant Mistry for Capturing the Surreal Moments…

Valentine’s Day Celebrated at the Center with Fun and Love

Post Pandemic Situation, When Everything is getting back to Normal Students at Arena Animation Sayajigunj Always Known for their Energy and Enthusiasm took The Initiative to Celebrate Valentine’s Day with Full Zest and Fun as they Organized a Day Celebration Full Of Activities and Games Like Dumb Sharaz, Roast by Host, Truth and Dare and Guess the Whisper!! And Had a Great Time and also Decorated the Center Beautifully with Interesting Craft and Designs justifying The Theme of Valentine’s Day. A Fun Day Full of Activities and Good Time..Thanks a lot Students for Bringing Back the Vibes and Energy back!!

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