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Graphic Design Course | Designing for Print & Social Media

A career in motion graphics is completely a new trend in the designing field, and it is also possible because of the advent in technology. Currently, there are various types of designers out there such as web, graphics, user experience, user interface designers and the list goes on. But the fact is, designers are still on multiplying as advancement in technology keeps on growing.

The innovative filmmakers believe to expand their imagination along with their budget for impressive technology and design and the motion graphic artists are working with them as a team. It would not be possible to bring such out-of-box creativity without these innovative artists, amazing mobile graphics, your most desirable space, and war movies.

But exactly what this profession requires and how one can give a kick start to this career?

What Exactly Motion graphics artist do?

The Motion Graphic Artist is known for its artistic abilities and creative talents. Using their abilities and creativity they can create moving words, logos, text, etc.

Over various media presentations such as movies, commercials, Tv shows. And they even have a strong background in motion graphic designing and, mostly in the fields like game designing, and film making.

With the assistance of a creative and talented motion graphics team, film directors are able to go beyond while creating cutting-edge sequences. By animating graphics and creating visual effects, motion graphic artists bring a website, Tv commercial, or film to an entirely different level.

Moreover, they also have good knowledge of the variety of designing software and computer-based tools for designing; understanding of these tools are essential in this field. With a proper understanding, it is also necessary to stay up-to-date with advancements in the motion graphics industry.

What is the future of motion graphic artists?

You will find it really interesting that motion graphic artists are very famous due to their technical expertise. These days professional motion graphic artists in India earn between Rs 480,572 to Rs 900,000/-, and freelancers earn approx Rs 100,000 – Rs 575,000 per annum. If you are a fresher with basic knowledge of motion graphics then you will earn around Rs 220,000 to Rs 600,000/- per year.
But one thing which you really need to understand that your motion graphics skills matter the most. So, do proper learning and practical tasks before you start as a fresher.

And not only the good earning but a good job outlook is also enhancing. Technology keeps on advancing, and it is believed that the future of motion graphic artists will bring various new opportunities. According to the study done, it is shown that average internet users browse videos for 19 hours per month. Also, in terms of online shopping, there are 60% of shoppers who watch product videos on a daily basis.

So, motion graphics will be the perfect ground for overproducing and overwrought simple static content and live action videos. It means creating a short, simple, and videos to communicate their message effectively.

If you desire to become a motion graphic artist and want to design a world of your own. In which, you are only limited by the software, tools, and extent of your imagination. Then, it is vital for you that you acquire proper designing skills and keep yourself up-to-date with the latest designing trends. Moreover, make yourself familiar with the fundamentals and techniques of the motion graphic designing and also evolve with the latest industry trends.

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