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Animation, Vfx & Gaming Courses Institute in vadodara

Browse The Arena Animation Sayajigunj’s newsletter for complete collection of articles and explanation on Animation, Vfx & Gaming news and activities during lockdown period.

You will get all the latest breaking news on Animation, VFx & Gaming here. We provide you with the latest activities and videos straight from the media & entertainment industry.

Animators of all experience levels could use a little extra push on occasion. Whether you’re considering a future career as an animator, looking to hone your current skills or simply enjoy an amusing cartoon, animation blogs are a great source of education, inspiration and entertainment.

Uninterrupted Learning Provided By Mentors of Arena Sayajigunj through Virtual Classrooms

Mentors of Arena Animation Sayajigunj again Proved That Teaching and Giving right and Timely Knowledge is their Priority. Through Virtual Class Rooms Mentors Provided Students Uninterrupted Learning and Gave them the Best under the Lockdown Situation.

Arena Sayajigunj Mentor Earned International Certification in Google Analytics

Arena Sayajigunj Mentor and Digital Marketing Expert Mr. Nishith Patel Earned an International Certification in Google Analytics as he Prepared and Cleared the Online exam during Lockdown.

Understanding Production Pipeline – Guest Lecture by Mr Viral Shah

Mr.Viral Shah, a VFX and Animation Expert Conducted an Online Special Session on Understanding Production Pipeline and Interacted with Students of various Courses and gave them some insightful knowledge. Production Pipeline and How various Studios adapt and Apply it he also shared some valuable Tips from his experience.

Workshops In Lockdown Was Conducted By Mentors

Mentors at Arena Animation Sayajigunj Provided Students with Some Useful Additional Knowledge by Providing them Workshops on Advance Topics like Digital Painting, Matte Painting, Understanding Genres of Art and Architectural Modeling by Poly Modeling Technique, Conducted by respective Mentors using the Online Platform to give students Advance Knowledge during this Lockdown.

Short Film On Covid-19 Awareness Was Created By Students

Due to the rising situation of Pandemic Covid-19, Students of Arena Animation Sayajigunj Made a Short Film to Create Awareness and Share Precautions from this Infectious Disease.  See here – 

VFX & Animation Courses Institute in vadodara

Arena Nationl Competition Was Organized

Online Contest of Making a Music Video on the given track was Organized in Context to Show Strength and Unity to Fight this Pandemic. Students of Arena Animation Sayajigunj Participated with full energy and Wrote the lyrics and Shot Videos on their respective Cell phones and Shared and Edited into a Energetic Composition.

 World Art Day was Celebrated by Creating Digital Artworks

Online Contest of Making Digital Art was organized in Context to Word Art Day Celebrations and Many Students of Arena Animation Sayajigunj Participated with Some Interesting Artworks.

Arena Animation introduces a career course with a focus on Animation, Vfx, Gaming skills. You can pursue the course online till the our Arena centre reopens. You can also call us on our number: 98255 72027 for any course-related queries

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