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No 1 training institute in the Field of Animation, vfx & Gaming Courses

Arena Animation No 1 training institute in the Field of Animation –vfx –and Gaming publishes a “ARENA TIMES” every month which showcases the Different activity held during the Months for the 360 degree development of the student required to transform them in to professional through seminars – industry expert workshop – competition – master classes –exhibition ) showcase of their work – industry visits –communication and personality development session  are the key focus areas for the students to acquire essential employability skills and become a job ready for the long term by learning important soft skills and build creative thinking abilities like having an inquisitive mindset ,imagination, problem solving skills and adaptability.

  • Uninterrupted Learning Provided By Mentors of Arena Animation Sayajigunj through Virtual Classrooms

Mentors of Arena Animation Sayajigunj again Proved That Teaching and Giving right and Timely Knowledge is their Priority. Through Virtual Class Rooms Mentors Provided Students Uninterrupted Learning  and Gave them the Best under the Lockdown Situation in the Filed of Vfx Film Making– 2d and 3d Animation- graphic designingweb site designing Game designing and Digital marketing students . Arena Animation Sayajigunj mentors were awarded a centurion certificate for successful completion of 100 hours of Virtual classes conducted for students.

  • Seminar on Achieving Your Goals By Motivational Speaker Bhavin Shah

Having Good Confidence and a Set Goal in the head can make you Achieve Anything, Bhavin Shah, a Very Well Known Motivational Speaker was Invited to Interact With Our Students through a Seminar on Achieving your Goal. No 1 Animation Training Institute organize A power Packed Auditorium with Students and His Interaction with them, Made them Understand Various Points that had to be kept in Mind and How to approach our Dreams and Ambitions Effectively. The Seminar was conducted at Vanijya Bhuvan with 300 plus presence of students. The Students with Different Skill set moulded with common achievement of their life goal with professional focus on their career.

  • Master Class on Animation Film Making By Industry Expert & NID Alumni Ishyetaq Quadri

Industry Expert & NID Alumni Ishyetaq Quadri Conducted a Unique Workshop on Conceptualization and Animation Film Design for premium course named Trinity ( Animation –Vfx and Gaming )  Students as they Understood the Core Stages of Animation Film Making and Tried Hands on Ideas By Creating Stories and Storyboards for 2d And 3d Animation Films and Experimenting with Stop Motion Technique it was Great Learning Overall organize by top animation institute in Gujarat and west zone. The Skills and work are regularly evaluated by industry experts for the betterment of the students.

  • Alumni Interaction Senior VFX Artist, Sanjay Kotwal

Sanjay Kotwal a Senior VFX Artist and Arena Animation Sayajigunj Alumni visited our Centre and Interacted with Students of various skill sets –trick –tips and techniques required to become a professional vfx and animation artist  and gave them some insightful knowledge on VFx Techniques Like Match Move and Rotomation. interaction with Alumni on regular intervals are organized for the students undergoing the training of visual effects which highlights the advantage to mark them as No 1 vfx training institute for vfx career aspirants.

  • Career Awareness Sessions were Conducted at  Education  Outlets

Animation and VFx is a Big and growing Field and can Provide various Opportunities to youth and many People are not aware about its Scope and scale to Spread its awareness Special awareness drive was Conducted at various education Outlets for Students of various Streams. They were ware about the Multimedia i.e media and Entertainment importance in today’s Life.  The broader knowledge of each field i.e Graphics Designing – web site designing – game designing- animation – vfx film making and digital marketing was shared with the eligibility skills needed to proceed further and to make a professional career  after 10 th and 12th along with their regular academics.

  • Master class on Digital Photography Ace Photographer – MohitBudania

To Do Out of the Box Photography and Experimenting with it was the Challenge and it was fulfilled and Understood to Budding Photographers at the Center By Ace Photographer and Owner of Black Ace Studio Mohit Budania by His Master class on Digital Photography where he taught some hands on Photography Techniques that made Student Understand the Creative part of it by attempting Techniques like Force Perspective and U.V Photography. It was a Very Unique and Productive Session.

  • VFX Techniques & 3D Simulation Guest Lecture by Mr Viral Shah

Mr.Viral Shah, a VFX and Animation Expert visited our Centre and Interacted with Students of various Courses and gave them some insightful knowledge on VFx Techniques and 3D Simulation and shared some valuable Tips from his experience

  • Fundamentals of Character Designing By Industry Expert Mr.Vaibhav More

Industry Expert Vaibhav More Conducted a Online Master Class on Fundamentals of  Character Designing for Students as they Understood the Core Stages of 2d and 3d Animation and Tried Hands on Techniques to Create and Visualize a Character Designing and character animation. It was a Full House Session and was Great Learning in Time of Lockdown.

  • Understanding Production Pipeline Guest Lecture by Mr Viral Shah

Mr.Viral Shah, a VFX and Animation Expert Conducted an Online Special Session on Understanding Production Pipeline and Interacted with Students of various Courses and gave them some insightful knowledge Production Pipeline and How various Studios adapt and Apply it he also shared some valuable Tips from his experience.

  • Workshops in Lockdown was Conducted By Mentors

Mentors at Arena Animation Sayajigunj Provided Students with Some Useful Additional Knowledge by Providing them Workshops on Advance Topics like Digital Painting, Matte Painting, graphic designing Understanding Genres of Art and Architectural Modeling by Poly Modeling Technique, Conducted by respective Mentors using the Online Platform to give students Advance Knowledge during this Lockdown.

  • Short Film ON COVID-19 Awareness was Created By Students

Due to the rising situation of Pandemic Covid-19, Students of Arena Animation Sayajigunj Made a Short Film to Create Awareness and Share Precautions from this Infectious Disease.

  • Arena Nation Competition was Organized

Online Contest of Making a Music Video on the given track was Organized in Context to Show Strength and Unity to Fight this Pandemic. Students of Arena Animation Sayajigunj Participated with full energy and Wrote the lyrics and Shot Videos on their respective Cell phones and Shared and Edited into a Energetic Composition .Great Video!!.

  • World Art Day was Celebrated by Creating Digital Artworks

Online Contest of Making Digital Art was organized in Context to Word Art Day Celebrations and Many Students of Arena Animation Sayajigunj Participated with Some Interesting Artworks.

Arena Animation Sayajigunj – India’s premiere Media and Entertainment training institute. We offers power-packed courses  that help shape a student’s creative career. Our students made their mark by working in Hollywood & Bollywood movies. We trains students in industry-relevant, employment-oriented skills through advanced tools.  Learn advanced tools  and technologies with the help of expert faculty.

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