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23 years of expertise in Gaming, Animation, VFX film Making, Graphics & Digital Marketing


  • Due To the Current Covid 19 Situation and Lockdown teaching and training has Shifted online and Arena Animation took the Initiative to provide Non Stop Learning to Student in these Challenging Times by arranging Knowledge enhancing Webinars and Workshops from industry experts as they interacted with students through online platforms and Provided them some great knowledge and information about topics like Trends In Animation & Vfx,Script to Storyboarding, Simulation and Fx, Career Opportunities, Pre Production in VFX, Animation Principles. It provided Students some very useful Knowledge in these Conditions.

JOB Placements Provided to Students

  • Arena Animation Sayajigunj Keep the Momentum going by providing Quality Training and Fulfilling Job requirements of Companies operating During Lockdown and Provided right Candidates by properly Evaluating Them and Training them for the New Techniques and procedures as per lockdown requirements and guidelines. Around 10 Students Got Job Placements in Top designing Firms and studios and Students were recruited as 3D Artist, Motion Graphic Artist, Graphic Designers,3D Generalist, Social Media Designers and Video Editors. Hence Making a Great Start for their Prosperous Careers.

Knowledge Enhancing Webinar on Game Production Pipeline conducted by RAH Amar Trivedi,Industry Expert.

  • Game Development and Designing are the Upcoming Fields and the need for Trained Artists in these Industry is in Constant Boom Mr. Amar Trivedi ,RAH and Industry expert Conducted Webinar Gaming on its Production Pipeline and Career Opportunities in Gaming.He shared Some Very Useful Tips and Information to Online attending Crowd and they got a new Field to explore as a Career.

Special Seminar on “How to Be a Multi Millionaire Entrepreneur” by Motivational Speaker Mr.Bhavin Shah

  • MrBhavin Shah a Well Known Motivational Speaker conducted a Very Effective and Important Webinar on “How to Be a Multi Millionaire Entrepreneur” and How one can Convert his or Her passion into her career .He shared Some Very Useful Tips and Information to Online attending Crowd and they got a Chance to Think about their Skills and How it can be a Progressive Career.

Creative Minds Workshops was Conducted By Mentors.

  • Mentors at Arena Animation Sayajigunj Provided Students with Some Useful Additional Knowledge by Providing them Workshops on Advance Topics like Minimalistic Poster Design,Magazine Cover Design,Creating a Stop Motion Animation,VFX shot, Character Animation sequence Conducted by respective Mentors as per the Students participated in the Creative Minds 2020 and its respective categories using the Online Platform to give students Advance Knowledge during these Online Studies.

Special Guest Workshops was Conducted By Experts.

  • Special Workshops were arranged for Students at Arena Animation Sayajigunj as they can explore some New Skills and enhance there Knowledge about the latest Techniques in Gaming and Vfx Film Making.Session on Creating Game Textures was Conducted by Industry expert Mr.Viral Shah for Gaming Students and Workshop on Creating Cinemagraph by Mr.Avdhoot Virkar,Professional Artist.Both Sessions Were Knowledge Enhancing and Useful for Students

Arena offers career & professional training in areas including Animation, VFX, Gaming, Web Design, Graphics Design, UI-UX, Broadcast, Digital Advertising & Marketing and Multimedia. Our courses are designed to transform students to successful creative professionals.

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