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Power-packed Animation, Vfx, Gaming, Graphics & Digital Marketing literacy program

Arena Animation Sayajigunj’s short term literacy program are ideal for both students and working professionals. Whether you want to jump start your career in the media and entertainment industry for jobs in animation, VFX, web & graphics, digital marketing, and more, or sharpen your skills in the latest software in the industry, these literacy program are perfect for you.

Join short duration literacy program after your10th / 12th to excel in the media and entertainment industry.Hollywood, Bollywood, TV shows, and ads – all use latest visual effects designed and created by special effects artists. You can be one of these in-demand, talented artists!

Boost your career with Arena’s VFX literacy program.

• Introduction to VFX its History and Evolution of SFX and VFX.
• Creating Matte Painting.
• Creating Creative Advertisement with Smartphone.
• Creating Video Advertisement for Tourism.
• Creating a Newsroom Greenscreen Shot
• Creating a VFX shot using CG and Live Action Shooting.

VFX Film Making Courses

You can create Digital Matte Painting, Creating a Product Ad, Creating a VFX shot for Media, Creating a Film VFX Shot after this program.

Get knowledge of the fundamentals & advanced techniques of 2D & 3D animation. Learn to bring interesting characters to life in a virtual world. Join our Animation Literacy Program.
• Introduction to Animation Pipeline along with its History and Current Scenario.
• Creating Matte Painting.
• Creating Stop Motion.
• Creating Lighting for the Animation.
• Creating a Ball Bounce Animation.

2D 3D animation Courses

You can create Digital Matte Painting, Creating a Product based Animated Ad, Creating an Animation Sequence after this program.

Learn in-demand design and visualization software to boost your creative career opportunities through our Graphics literacy Program.
• Introduction to Print Graphics and Digital Graphics and Current Trends.
• Creating Product Poster for Facebook and Instagram.
• Creating Motion Poster of the Product.
• Creating a Book Cover.
• Creating a Login Page of Food Application.
• Creating Interactive PDF.

graphic design courses

You can create Designing Social Media Post, Creating a GIF based Ad, Creating a UI for App,Creating a Digital Booklet after this program.

Make work as fun as play! Create games for PCs, laptops, mobiles and tablets! Get trained to become a professional game designer, and plan & execute all the aspects of games and bring it to life. Join Gaming Literacy Program today.
• Introduction to Gaming Pipeline along with its History and Current Scenario.
• Creating Game Poster for Social Media Promotions.
• Creating Motion Poster of the Game.
• Create a simple Game Animation in 2D.
• Creating a simple Axe in 3D for Game.
• Texturing Axe and Rendering it.

game development courses

You can create Game Poster, Designing a 2D Game Level, Creating a Game Asset (Weapon) after this program.

Elevate your skills with our most in-demand Digital Marketing literacy programme.
• Introduction to Digital Advertising and Marketing along with its Current Scenario.
• Creating Product Poster for Social Media Promotions.
• Creating Motion Poster of the Product.
• Color Correction of the Brand Video.
• Concepts of Digital Marketing.
• Generating Facebook and Instagram Ads with Digital Marketing.

Digital Marketing Courses

You can create Designing Social Media Post, Creating a Motion Graphics based Ad, Creating a Post for Instagram and Facebook and its Application on Social Media Pages after this program.

If choosing a course from Arena Animation Sayajigunj’s wide range of globally relevant courses seem challenging, we can arrange a free career counselling for you. Our career counsellor will contact you and help you choose the right course for your creative career.

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